Hi Nick,I have the WK-225, almost the same as yours, my regret.I am not sure if you understand the difference between recording midi from the keyboard using the multitude of instruments included in MMM and recording audio from the keyboard using the keyboard instruments. There are a couple of tutorials in the forum showing how to make the connection for each method.Please let us know if you understand the difference after looking at the tutorials, and which method that you want to use. Each has its own particularities. Remember, if you use midi, you can correct any errors in your playing and make adjustments on the screen.
If you use audio, you cannot, you will have to re-record until you get it right.For midi, you will need an ASIO driver like ASIO4all, which you can download and install, otherwise you will have a latency problem.Which version of MMM do you have, year and the regular version or Premium?Regards.